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AUGUST 1, 2022

Dear Friends:

We are cautiously optimistic!

“... a frenzied and improbable effort by a tiny group of Democrats, carried out over 10 days and entirely in secret, that succeeded this week in reviving the centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s domestic policy plan — and held out the prospect of a major victory for his party months before the midterm congressional elections.”

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July 28, 2022


Seven Key Provisions in the Climate Deal

By Elena Shao (article attached)

The package would set aside $369 billion for climate and energy proposals, the most ambitious climate action ever taken by Congress, and raise an estimated $451 billion in new tax revenue over a decade, while cutting federal spending on prescription drugs by $288 billion ...,

HOW - Windowless room in secret!

By Emily Cochrane and Annie Karni


July 29, 2022

Leah Stokes explains why, yes, it is. Don’t be distracted.

The measures, outlined late Wednesday in the 725-page spending bill, require the sale of drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. The bill would also make new renewable power projects on federal land and water contingent on future sales.

Along the way to the $369 billion package, the West Virginia senator secured an array of concessions

for his state and for the fossil fuel industry.


The Senate’s proposal aims to accelerate electric car sales and promote domestic battery manufacturing

at China’s expense.

The package, if smaller than Democrats’ initial ambitions, would transform huge sectors of the U.S. economy

and affect millions of Americans.

Climate change is creating a growing class of displaced Americans, and the federal government is struggling

to decide how to help them.

By Christopher Flavelle and Edmund D. Fountain

* * * *

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